Dolores Saenz-Davila is a LCSW Supervisor, clinician and expert witness. She has over 16 years experience working with trauma patients and is a trauma-informed care specialist. She also has extensive experience working with children, adults, and families who face issues related to divorce.
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Certifications and Licensure
Mrs. Saenz-Davila is a:
Board Certified Licensed Clinical Social Worker Supervisor (LCSW Supervisor)
Yale University School of Medicine Postgraduate Fellow
Trauma Informed Care (TIC) Specialty Provider
She has also obtained a certificate in Forensic Social Work and Advanced Forensic Social Work.

Types of Evaluations Completed
Mrs. Saenz-Davila has experience completing evaluations, such as:
Pre-adoptive social studies
U Visa
T Visa
Cancellation of Removal
Text us for more information 965-996-6STC.
My staff and I are fluent in Spanish.
Our goal is to assist you through our evaluation which details the areas required for each application.
Evaluations can be completed on Google Meet and/or Zoom video sessions, or in office.
Estaré disponible para consultar con usted!
Completion Timeframe
Immigration evaluations can be completed within two to four weeks depending on the complexity of the case.
Expert Witness and social study time frames can vary between 60 to 120 days.
- Current Resume (if available)
- Personal history
- Education and employment
- Medical and psychological history (if applicable)
- Supporting documentation

Fees –
The basic evaluation includes: clinical interviews, test interpretation, observations, home visits, records review, contact with collateral sources, consultation with attorney, preparation of the report, and feedback. Interview time includes the time taken to write the document.
Additional Fees – If the findings from the report demonstrate the need for more extensive evaluative procedures (e.g., large number of collateral sources, unusually lengthy reports, psychological testing (if indicated), then the client will be charged at additional fees.
Immigration Evaluations
Preadoptive Social Studies and Expert Witness
Require a minimum of 3 to 4.5 hours of interview time.
Fees include the time taken to write the document.
Please text us at 361-589-1121 with any questions.
Forms of Payment
We accept cash, Stripe, money order, and/or bank wire transfers.